Andy van de Sande awarded with Sitecore MVP award 2017

Sitecore MVP 2017 makes a clean hat-trick!

I am particularly proud and honored to announce that I have been awarded with the Sitecore Most Valuable Professional title for 2017 in the Marketing Strategist category. That makes it a hat-trick after my successful nominations of 2015 and 2016.

Sitecore has been upping their game more than ever this year. Partner tiers become more hardened and MVP’s should be the very best of the community that both have an A-game in store for customers and share their knowledge with the community. Whomever that meets these demands is eligible for becoming MVP, both agency as customer. I have been working for almost 10 years now at digital agency Redhotminute and I am particularly proud that I can achieve this award through the help of clients of Redhotminute and become the only agency-side Marketing Strategist MVP in the Netherlands.

This year’s goal is to further share my knowledge. Although I have been active speaking at and organizing Sitecore events, I want to share more through meaningful blogs and give more effective insights during integrations from a business or marketing perspective. Particularly last year I have been busy disrupting some marketing strategies and making them stronger. Lots to share experiences on. I am very active in the Sitecore User Group Netherlands board and one of the organizers of the Sitecore User Group Europe. Nevertheless, this blog has been quite inactive and I will bring more to the table. Expect more soon.

